Noise Destoyer Power Conditioner

Has anyone tried this unit from the Cable Company ?

I have , I plugged it into my Shunyata Hydra 8 on a dedicated circuit.

It takes about an 1/2 hour (and continues to improve) to see the effects on Video but the colors are deeper and the picture quality is much improved. High def is really great!

On Audio, I have my APL and Pass Labs Amp on other dedicated circuits , but even so, the Audio definition improved quite a bit.I couldnt believe it.

I dont know what it is doing but it only cost $179.

I am going to order another one to be used with just my Audio.
Ozzy, I think they are both fine products and offer similar benefits, just using different capicitance. The Noise Destroyer has been out in Germany for a few months now. I personally have not taken one apart, but know someone that has.

Hi Krell_man that's not good to hear, your receptacle must be on the same line as your switch for the lights and you are getting either a short or power serge. I would suggest you have an electrician come in and look at feeding a new line, this way you have a designated line. Shouldn't really cost that much and look at it as an upgrade, the benefits that you will receive will be well worth it along with protecting your gear. What is happening is not good for your electronics and can damage them.

Having lots of fun with the Oracle 2000 transport with the Accustic Arts Transport. Burning-in Virtual Dynamic Genesis bi-wire speaker cables along with a Supratek Sauv. pre.

Ozzy that is very interesting, I have not tried one before.

I'm using it in my 10'x12' stereo room on the same group of outlets as the power conditioner is plugged in to. The light/ceiling fan is on the same circuit.

My TV is in the living room. I don't have a home theater anymore, so I wasn't really concerned with the TV setup.

I placed mine on the TV circuit last night and neither my wife not I saw any improvement in the picture. I wonder how you tell if it's working?

Krell man,

I have mine plugged into my Hydra 8 in a outlet that my Sony HD Shares. My Audio is on different circuits.

Everything matters in Audio and probably Video.
With my Video set up ,I am using Quick Silver Extreme Gold contact Silver paste on all my connections (F connectors, AC plugs, etc. )
My HDMI cables have silver conductors.
My Hydra 8 is on a dedicated circuit.

So, perhaps all this has allowed the Noise Destroyer to bring out additional information.

Everything matters, there is a marked difference with the Noise Destoyer on my set up.