What's the funniest or dumbest thing you did?

What is the funniest or dumbest HiFi related thing you have ever done?
The dumbest thing I did was to buy a used Nakamichi tape deck. When I could not get it to record consistantly I sent it out to be repaired. When I got it back I realized I was not using it right and it had been working the whole time. I know, I'm not real bright!
I originally mentioned this in the "Regrets" thread some months ago.

My dumbest audio move was to trash my Dad's Sansui 1000X receiver which I had grown up listening to. One day I decided I needed to get rid of some of the "junk" around the house. Well a few weeks after the good ol' Sansui was out to pasture I had a bout of major regret.

Thankfully, Audiogon member Sherod read my post and responded with a most generous act.

He sent me for FREE a Sansui 1000X he'd won on Ebay not once, but TWICE! Now I have two Sansuis from which I can build a beautiful single working piece even better than the one I trashed.

So even in my stupidest hour, there was a good hearted and generous audiophile to help me rescue some fond memories of my youth and put a smile on my Dad's face again.

Thanks Sherod!
Greg, who wants Lanza anyway? To my ears, he sounded no less horrible on 7.5 IPS. Actually he should belong the the regrets part of that thread.....(-; Detlof
I've got a good one.
At the age of seventeen I'm at home my parents go on vacation to Florida. I decide to put a new sound system in my VW Beetle. I'm drilling parts in the basement. I reach up and un plug a cord from the closest socket. Finish my drilling and leave forgetting to insert the plug back into the socket.

Two weeks later my parents come home. I had unplugged the big deep freezer. My dad had just split a whole cow with his buddy and it was in the freezer. Man did that shit stink. Took me five hours of gagging and hurling to get that sucker clean.

My dad was so pissed. Gotta have those tunes
Speaking of Dads, when I was sixteen back in 1977 I bought my first integrated amp, a JVC 30 watter as I recall, and tried hooking it up to try it out after school on my dad's Pioneer Project 60's (anyone remember them?) Oh, er, I forgot to disconnect the wires to HIS receiver (a Webcor) and used one of his outputs from the tuner input into my JVC. I turned it on and fried the output section of his receiver. When he came home and I had to tell him I destroyed his Webcor, well, it was not pretty!
A friend of mine plugged his vacuum cleaner into his PS Audio P300 power plant... heh heh heh heh. The thing totally shut down and would not reset. Luckilly, he only blew the fuse on it.