Signal Cable Analog 2

Thinking of buying the Signal Cable Analog 2 interconnects.
Anybody own them. Just wondering how good they sound. I read a
review in the forums where the guy said his monster 400 cables sounded better which i found strange.Are these cables not any good? I would like to hear from actual owners if possible.
Reviews are usually biased. Everybody likes the cables they have. Otherwise, they wouldn't have them. I like signal cables.They are a couple of steps better than anything I had before. I also like John Risch twisted pairs. Good luck. You don't have to break the bank to own good cables.
I like mine. Not as much as I like my Heimdall's, but they are good top to bottom and very dynamic.
I will interject that there are instances when an inferior product may be perceived to sound better than a better-performing product. This happens when the inferior product masks the annoying flaws in a system where the better, more-resolving product simply "tells the truth." There are also a myriad of other factors that can explain why an inferior product may be favored over a higher-performance product.

I use several pairs of the SignalCable Analog 2 interconnects in my two systems and think it's one of the best buys in cables currently available. For whatever reason, I've found it to sound especially good when used in conjunction with SignalCable's Silver Resolution interconnects in another part of the same system.

I've had a lot of expensive cables in my system lately, like the Acoustic Zen Silver Reference IIs (sounded a bit bright for my taste) but I'm staying with my SignalCables, some Audio Metallurgy GA-0's, and an odd pair of Speltz Anti-Cables.

Like the first poster said, "you don't have to break the bank to own good cables."
I use the Signal cables as well, but can't tell you how they compare to Monster . The last time I remember using Monster was when they first came out. Since then ...the rest is history. The question would be like asking about a well known respected audiophile but inexpensive speaker compared to Bose, the only exception is that the pricier Monster cables have garnered less anymosity than Bose IMHO. I can tell you that I use a variety of alloys and different cables. Some are expensive such as the Cardas Golden Refs all copper BTW and some as inexpensive MAS Grey closeouts all silver BTW. They are each used for different component connections to achieve the sound I prefer. The question really is, are Signal Cables a worthwhile cable to experiment with? Unequivacably yes!