Jea48, I have tried ferrite clamps extensively everywhere and you are indeed correct. Too many and it sucks the life out of a system. I think the best place to use them is on the power cord on the cdp. One on each end. Someone sent me a Analysis Plus Power Oval 2 with a ferrite clamp on each end and WOW this cord is extremely musical this way. Take the clamps off for a few minutes and more grain is added. It was very noticeable. This cord was not good on the amps but great on the cdp. My recommendation is to start at the cdp and work your way down. My system has changed recently so I may go and throw a couple of clamps on the ic's from cdp to pre. If the sound darkens or closes in they will come right off. I have not played around with these for a while except when I received the power cord I am using now.
Find a real good price on a used Power Oval 2 and put two of the box type ferrites clamps on it. I don't think enough can be said about rfi entering and exiting the cdp.
Digi-key has all kinds of ferrite clamps too.
Find a real good price on a used Power Oval 2 and put two of the box type ferrites clamps on it. I don't think enough can be said about rfi entering and exiting the cdp.
Digi-key has all kinds of ferrite clamps too.