Tired of Expensive Speaker Cable. Alternatives?

I'm once again changing speakers, so I'll need two sets to shotgun biwire. I'm tired of seeing the prices asked, and the recommendations made, for multi-thousand dollar products.

I don't know if I'm interested in going the Home Depot extension cord route either, though.

What about low-moderate priced wire that sounds good without the high price tag? Something full, big sounding, extended without being bright, with a good soundstage?
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Wow I thought expensive meant $1,000 for speaker cable. You as a group seem to think it's reasonable. And all I had to drink was coffee.
You might want to look at Cobalt Cable. I have used their stuff for quite a while and have been happy. Super quality construction and very reasonable prices. I am not affiliated, just a satisfied customer.
I want to echo the comments about Speltz. I have tried many cheap and moderately expensive cables and prefer the Speltz over everything I have tried. You can afford to try it without penalty financially. I do not twist the wires. I tried it and went back to straight wires for both upper and lower modules of my VR-4JRs. I like his crimped on spades but also use them as bare wire. I do have to clean and treat the bare wire periodically. Good luck!
Don't twist Speltz's SCs. He twists his ICs for you. They are his better product IMHO