Tired of Expensive Speaker Cable. Alternatives?

I'm once again changing speakers, so I'll need two sets to shotgun biwire. I'm tired of seeing the prices asked, and the recommendations made, for multi-thousand dollar products.

I don't know if I'm interested in going the Home Depot extension cord route either, though.

What about low-moderate priced wire that sounds good without the high price tag? Something full, big sounding, extended without being bright, with a good soundstage?
Wow I thought expensive meant $1,000 for speaker cable. You as a group seem to think it's reasonable. And all I had to drink was coffee.
Was it Starbucks coffee? Just goes to show that beauty (and expense) is in the eye of the beholder :-)
Hi Audiofeil... No that's not true. I've never heard a system that didn't benefit from Paul's cables. If one's goal is to temper highs, color the mids, etc, then you can look elsewhere. That's not what audiophiles are after Audiofeil...
stringreen, i must agree w/ audiofeil.

i've anticables as a 'sanity-test', and oddly they performed better than $3k cables under a diff config in my system.

but these days, they, like all budget cables i've tried, cannot hold a candle to the uber-$ cables i've had in (prana, jorma, transparent).

if your system isn't reference level, no point in buying expensive cables; but if it is, then you may very well find your biggest bang for buck improvement is indeed in cabling.

(i'll cover this phenomenon more in my review of prana cables in dagogo, due in a couple months)

>>I've never heard a system that didn't benefit from Paul's cables.<<

Then you need to get out more.

For the record your system is moderately high end, not very high end.
It's pretty high end, Bill, as far us plebes are concerned.

Muralman, you say "Don't twist Speltz's SCs." Why? I think you must twist them, or at least run them in very close proximity.