Hi- Res download newbie

I've just entered the world of hi-res downloads and would appreciate some advice. I've been utilizing a program called "traders little helper" to convert from a flac file to a wave.(my ps audio pw won't play flac), and a program called IMG burn to write the file to disk. Are these the best programs for the task or are there better options out there. Any advice for this newbie would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you all for responding. My main concern is for the sound quality of the entire process. I'm quite satisfied with the results so far but haven't compared them to any other programs. Granted, Traders little helper and IMG burn are free downloads, I would be willing to pay for a program that would surpass them in overall sound quality. Thank You.
You're welcome.

I have read a lot about different Apple software resulting in changes in sound quality but none about windows software.

I think you can be confident that using the flac converter will not affect sound quality and pretty sure that IMG will not either. To get some opinions you could start a thread asking about which software is the best for burning music on a windows based computer.
went through this a while back. even posted a "how to" on the PSA forums after i got it sorted out. did end up with a dozen or so unreadable dvd's before getting it right. the biggest problem i ran into was the various glitches in windows vista regarding UDF formatting.

i found Nero to be the best all around software to get the job done. not because it did anything better then other programs did, rather it's an all in one solution and streamlined the process for me.

here's a link.


side note: i'd switch to a computer based system instead of burning dvd disc's. you can keep things in FLAC or WAVE and the convenience factor is awesome!

Your PW DAC (Bridge?) should play all of your FLAC files. If you're still having issues you need to contact Alex at PS Audio...or Dennis.

Worse case scenario now, is that you might encounter some "micro-skips" only on 24/192 FLAC files, but even that should be minimal.

Have you updated to the most current firmware versions?

What server are you using anyway??
Ben, don't think he has the bridge...just the pwt/pwd. op's looking to burn hi res to play via pwt i think??. the pwt will only play WAV when burned to dvd. worse...it must be formatted and burned in a specific way to work (udf 2.0 and no folders). a real pita for me but i mucked through it.

bridge makes much more sense to me as well.(although hi res dvd via the pwt sounds incredible!)
