Copper foil

I just recently started a DIY project and wanted to know if anyone knows of a copper foil distributor or manufacturer. I am looking for .0075 thickness which is hard to find. Also, if you have info using the copper foil I am curious how you are using it in your system.

Ghosthouse does 2130 H mean anything to you?

This is the easiest DIY in audio. The returns are way and above any justifiable
Hey guys, for kicks, try your kitchen drawer aluminum foil for the return leg. Just cut it into wide ribbons. See if you hear a difference. I bet you won't.
Muralman1 - sorry, no...2130H doesn't mean a thing to me. But I guess I'll be searching on that! My curiosity is certainly up. Would appreciate learning more about this DIY. I take it is a kind of "tweak"?
Muralman1- OK...looked up your system. See that you used the foil to make speaker cables. Still not clear about 2130 H, however. Thanks for posting it.
I thought your moniker evokes interests in ghosts. Sorry if I was presumptuous.

A major component change is not normally considered a tweak. This particular change is like what LA45 reported. What's cool in it to me is how cheap it is to make this change.