All time favorite speaker cables

I have gone through different speaker cables and seems unsettled..Somehow I look back at the past and missed speaker cables of the past that have graced my system..
do you have similar experience? are/is there all time favorite speaker cables worthy of keeping for a long long time?
the Cardas golden Hexlink 5c is one in my short list.
I started with Mapleshade Golden Helix but found them to harsh to my ears even after several hundred hours. So I researched DIY cables. White Lighting cables made from Walmart patio extension cable were much better. Then I read about Home Depot extension (Holloween) cable. Made some, and they were even better. I eventually had the funds to try again and bought some Blue Jean Canare 4S11 cable; broke them in. Then I compared all three cables and decided the HD cables were just a bit better overall. I'm thinking of wrapping them with black electrical tape to improve appearence and maybe help reduce noise.
There isn't a professional music production studio in the world that uses zip cord, and many of those facilities are constantly looking for ways to cut costs. If all wire were the same, they'd be using spools of Lowe's 18-guage. The people who actually produce the music we all listen to KNOW there's a difference in wire and that it has dramatic effects on sound. Google famous record mastering professionals like Bob Ludwig and Doug Sax. They don't take a dime from cable manufacturers but they ALL have their favorite wire...and it isn't lamp cord. But I'm sure there are people with Bose systems who are far more qualified to comment on the merits of using coat hangers in their "killer" rigs. Yawn.
Thank You for sharing the info. Honestly, I am still surprised that the new Shunyata wires beat Nordost Odin. But as Stringreen mentioned, it is all system dependent.
Good for you that you have settled on the cable that best matches your system.

You get no argument from me that wire is system dependent. There are also many over-priced cables on the market. Some systems are revealing enough that cable differences are easily heard. There will always be a divergence of opinion as to the merits of those differences. Fortunately, there are a handful of manufacturers who are truly advancing the state of the art yet who are also committed to improving the listening experience of customers at virtually every price point. I believe they should be championed. I urge people to audition a variety of cables and be open to the unexpected. I never would have thought that Anti-cables could be effective, but my ears changed my mind.
It is whatever sounds good in your system. If home depot wire works and matches your system go for it, HD may also sell some speakers now. For the purpose of this thread I like alot of wires, transparent is nice Kimberly 8 tc is a classic and good, I can tell you also what I would not buy again kimber select silver I am running now I would never buy again sound good but came in all scratched up and kimber will not make right also build quality was cr#% weaving was off etc.... So I am just not mentioning cables I have in my system as liking. Audio quest I like but they keep changing for better technology making the old cables worth a lot less. I have herd good things about the quicksilver silver wires for the price. This is a tuff thread because what sounds good in my system may not in yours or may be overkill it is all about matching.