I am willing to concede to the winner of the Randi challenge. This is going to be very interesting. All of the endless debating at Audiogon will come to a head at the conclusion of this contest. Perhaps a lot of high end cable companies will be going broke after this scam is exposed. Or maybe naysayers, like myself, will have to reconsider the effectiveness of high end cable. Regardless, it would not be justifiable for me to spend tons of money on high end cable as I personally can not hear any difference. However, it could be conceivable that others have doglike ears and can actually tell the difference, and would be justifiable for them to invest money in high end cables.
Regardless of the outcome, individuals need to hear the difference for themselves and base their investment on how much difference THEY hear and how much they can afford. Only a fool would spend all of their money on high end cable just because of the outcome of a contest, hype from a magazine, or gossip from a website.
Regardless of the outcome, individuals need to hear the difference for themselves and base their investment on how much difference THEY hear and how much they can afford. Only a fool would spend all of their money on high end cable just because of the outcome of a contest, hype from a magazine, or gossip from a website.