Muralmanl - I agree. Many of the highest prices offenders deliberately contain anomalously high LCR values solely for the purpose of sounding "different" (in well understood ones) which can then be touted as "better" to justify the price.
Leica - then step up and claim randis $1M! have you considered that this "active device" may just be altering the LCR anomalously to achieve an effect? If it is just some sort of buffer then it is the buffer making the effect not the cable. In like manner beefing up the output stage of a component improves the sound quality often - it is distinct from the cable. In the absence of any real explanation it is impossible to say. Similar claims have been made for various cables in the past and without exception the ability to discern vanishes under blind testing.
Leica - then step up and claim randis $1M! have you considered that this "active device" may just be altering the LCR anomalously to achieve an effect? If it is just some sort of buffer then it is the buffer making the effect not the cable. In like manner beefing up the output stage of a component improves the sound quality often - it is distinct from the cable. In the absence of any real explanation it is impossible to say. Similar claims have been made for various cables in the past and without exception the ability to discern vanishes under blind testing.