Silver-plated or single metal IC's?

With regard to single-ended interconnects (RCA), there seems to be two schools of thought about the merits of silver-plated copper versus single-element conductor (ie. pure silver OR copper etc).
I've been led to believe that Silver-plated cables only benefit very high frequency signals (like video), and not audio. Any opinions?
(I'm nowhere near a store that allows try before you buy, so comparisons would be tricky for me).
Audiofeil, I must disagree with you...I have purchased and demo'd many fine silver cables. They simply have a cooler touch and not as warm a presentation generally speaking. Live music is so vivid and bold and warm and rich and full of dynamic life without any sense of edge or stridency...I truly beleive most people go by what they fantasize real music sounds like and not out of experience sitting in front of instruments being played live in a fine hall!
I recently spent quite a bit of time A/B comparing Audio Art IC-1(copper) vs Audio Art IC-3(silver plated copper) interconnects.

For me, it is just real hard to hear much difference at all. Maybe just a very slight bit more HF with the IC-3.
hi leica man:

i have reviewed synergistic research cable, but not the tesla. i heard the tesla cables this past january. i received a personal audition from ted dennehy.

sound was very very detailed. no romance or bloom.

i think that unless you have excellent recordings one may get fatigue. cables seem to be ruthlessly revealing.
Tennis anyone?

In my system the Tesla cables are musical, transparent, detailed, and dynamic with "presence" - much like listening to master tapes in a recording studio. (I've had the good fortune to listen to master tapes in a mastering studio and that's pretty much what my red books sound like to me in my system). They do not however cover my recordings in a rich carmel nor are they subtractive in nature if you know what I mean.

Context as it relates to listener bias is just as importiant as knowing that persons components and speakers.

Mr Tennis wrote:
i like a dull, veiled, laid,back, boring sound capable of putting me to sleep. i hate treble and i don't like detail. i like subtractive coloration to such an extent that all recordings sound the same. you can talk about detail, neutrality all day long.
if you don't tap your foot, it doesn't matter.

i want to relax, not bothered by detail or dynamics. veil the sound and cut off the highs. darkness and dullsville is my motto, by choice. thick caramel syrup makes me happy.

hi leica man:

you are correct in indicating my personal preferences.
however, i stand by what i hear. i also reviewed synergistic cables, but not the tesla.

i agree with your description of the tesla cables, except for one word, namely musical. the tesla cables are relatively uncolored. musical implies a coloration.

all recordings reproduced on a stereo system will not sound musical. if a stereo system always sounds musical, it is probably subtractively and additively colored.