Low price, quality cables for avalon ,CAT, shindo

i'm searching cables (inter/speaker) for my indra speakers, i have a cat JL2 amp and shindo preamp.

I only know Transparent cable (which are way too expensive) and I don't beleive in high priced cable.

Can you help me ?
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Wahou i didn't expect some much responses for a cable thread !

Are you sure (comparison A/B) that cables are so important ?

@Thorman : i don't know my budget for cables -not a fortune for sure- but i try to figure the best quality/price compromise.

@Leica_man : for the shindo preamps... hum... when you listen to it, there is a "before shindo" and an "after shindo".
I will stop it there, because I don't want to be like Mike Lavigne and his Dartzeel proselytism...
Just try it or ask shindo owners with which other preamp they have compared their shindo...it will be the begining of an answer.

@ jafox, Jmcgrogan2 and Glide3 : you convice me to try Jade audio cables, with the 30 trial days it ok for me to test it -by the way i have th opportunity to compar them with Transparent opus MM (the famous one at 30 000$)-
So let see what Jade can do !

@ randu : stealth was close to jade in the post, so not a real reason to not test them exept that i don't want to test
10 cables!

For now i don't see the real potential of good cable -honnestly i find cable listening session VERY boring- so I trust you guys and i will keep you in touch !


@ Jafox : don't hesitate to contact me for tips on small-signal tubes for the CAT amplifier, thanx.
Just one thought have someone tested the auditorium 23 cables ?(made to match shindo products)
@ Tvad : you are right, i thought they were not THAT expensive.

I don't want to pay 5000$ or more in cables....

Max : 1500/2000$ for inter + speaker cable.