20amp cord

Does anyone have any suggestions for a somewhat inexpensive 20 amp cord from my Richard Gray 600s to a dedicated 20 amp outlet? I will be using an Lexicon RT-10, B&K Ref. 50 an older Krell KAV 250A. It would be used primarily for home theater and classic rock. Thanks for your input!
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Being the rgpc has a choke, I don't know how important it is to upgrade the cord there. I may be wrong but if it is important they say make sure the cord from the wall to the unit is as good or better than the rest of your power cords. I sold my rgpc for shunyata power, totally different philosiphy between the two.

Just a word of caution here - RG products use and oversized iec connector so that the only cables that fit snugly are (what a surprise) Richard Gray's. You can use other cables, but you will need good, old fashioned friction tape to build up the sides of the incoming iec connector until it fits snugly into the unit. Have Fun!
I have a 600 and I don't think it benefits much from a better power cord. My gear sounds better plugged into my new DIY Oyaide outlet strip. The Gray, a parallel device, is plugged into that strip. I opened my Gray and changed an outlet to an Oyaide R1 before eventually getting the DIY Oyaide outlet strip(and taking the outlet back out of the Gray and putting it in the strip). When I opened up the Gray I saw that the wiring inside wasn't that great. The choke wire is only 18 gauge. So my advise is don't plug your gear into the Gray. Get a short as possible power cord for it. I'm using an older PS Audio Lab I reterminated with a 20A IEC.

I am using RGPC 600S also and as ET did, I have changed the supplied RGPC Power Cord with a shorter Power Cable
( with 20A IEC of course ). Factory-built cable are with
at least 1.5 Meter, I took one Furutech Evolution Power
Cable , divided it into two, one change to 20A IEC to
plug into the RGPC. the other half I made one power cable
with 15A normal plug and used to supply power to the CSE
isolation power regenerator + regulator.

Compared with the supplied RGPC factory cable, the shorter
Evolution proved to be a great enhancement to background
silence and soundstage deepness, high & lower range are
also improved. ( after repeated comparison )
Try using your system without the Richard Grey stuff...just listen and decide if it really should be in your system