Need warm sounding cables: Transparent Ref. MM?

I just got a pair of Avalon Eidolon. Prior to the Eidolon, I was using B&W 802D. The Eidolon is focused, clear, transparent, fast but I am missing the warmth of the B&W on vocal music.
I have Kubala Emotion speaker cables currently and was wondering if switching to Transparent would help. Thx.
Accustic Arts Tube DAC and Transport Mk.1
Cary SLP-05 Preamp
Krell 700cx amp
You don't want to do that. As advised above, tweak with the PCs. Try Shunyata or VH Audio Airsine with gold or rhodium terminations.
Personally, I think changing interconnects makes a greater inpact on the sound quality of a system than a power cord.
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I agree with Jafox, I've spent money changing cables when I should have rolled tubes and when I finally did change tubes the voices became more natural, it was not only cheaper it was easier!!