Best outlet

Just installed two independent 20 amp lines each with four outlets for my system. One to be used for analog and one for digital/tv. What receptacle outlet should I get?
Great question Joel. You'll notice that the majority of the "higher end" manufacturers are using Phosphor Bronze. Phosphor Bronze contains enough Tin to not only reduce connector fatigue but to also provide an elevated level of corrosion resistance.

However, many of us have been made aware of the sound of Tin in our connectors. Certain manufacturers use Phosphor Bronze alloys containing lesser levels of Tin, increasing the need for platings to protect against corrosion resistance.

FWIW, the cryo'd Hubbell "HBL8100IG" outlets I mentioned are unplated.

Again, made of quality materials specifically for isolated ground circuits - and with GREAT grip, which I believe is the most important quality for AC connectors.
I purchased two Porterports from Albert a couple years ago when I put in two dedicated circuits. The improvement was most noticeable over your basic Leviton.

About a year ago, I purchased a Shunyata SR-Z1 and installed it on my amp circuit (two monoblocks). It made a slight but noticeable improvement. Shortly after, I purchased another SR-Z1 to put on the source circuit. The improvement dropped my jaw to the floor. Silky smooth detail and a way lowered noise floor.

About six months ago, I replaced the Hydra-4 on the source circuit with an Isoclean 80A3 power conditioner. My jaw dropped again at the lowered noise floor, greater inner detail, and holographic dimensions of the soundstage that resulted. All my audio nerd buddies agree that it's an incredible product.

I've just moved my system to another room and moved the two dedicated lines also. For the time being, the monos are plugged into the same outlet as before. However, because of the layout, I am going need to put in another outlet and then run the monos into two outlets. I plan to buy an Isoclean ICP-002G for the source circuit and will report back on how it compares to the SR-Z1.