General Character of Harmonic Technology?

Harmonic Technology, ex Pro Silway iii - any general characteristics of this cable?

darker / brighter / forward sounding .....?

Trying to find something that will tame the top end.
My question is very specific, thank you
Maybe if you could isolate just what is causing the problem with the highs, others might be able to make suggestions. Sometimes cables aren't the answer for taming the highs. Is the problem in the amplification, speakers, sources, room interaction,interconnects, ac power supply,etc? There are many, many variables which might be causing those strident and/or harsh highs.
The room calibration was provided by Wilson so I did position them according to what they said. That seems fine after fooling around much. All equimpemnt is under isolation support and in proper locations (to the best of my knoweledge). Ayre K-1e Pre and Krell FPB200, I love this combo after trying out plenty of stuff with tubes and all others so....

Its not bright at all, I just like the very very top end to smooth out a little and its a real task. I got rid of my favourite Au24 cables (never new they could sound different until the Wilsons came into my life)they did not work with the new Wilson I purchased at all. Plug in the Transparent (which I was never ever a fan before) and everything got into place, just like a puzzle. Its not the cables, its the synergy causing it to work. I did not go with the Tranasparent Ultra or Reference because of one reason only - $$$$$$$$. Its brutally expansive and was trying something less to see if it works. I really dont like the idea of spenind thousands of dollars on cables.
Components maybe but cables I am still learing to except.