I have to say that I've found the results of this poll of a'gon opinion rather disquieting.
The consensus seems to be: stay with the stock cables, buy Volex 17604, or try Signal, VenHaus, or MAC (to which one might add Element). No substantive comments on the Audioquest, Furutech, Shunyata, Tara Labs and Wireworld products.
For the moment, two explanations for this consensus suggest themselves to me--I don't know if either is right.
1) audiophiles like to find "small", often single-person operations that challenge or surpass the "big boys".
2) the big mainstream companies establish a reputation with certain breakthrough products, then--cynically--develop their product lines to cover all the price points, regardless of the intrinsic merit of those subsequent products.
As a case in point, if you read through the "blurbs" on the MusicDirect website about the Shunyata PCs, it's almost as if the Venom and Diamondback were afterthoughts, and their "real" entry-level PC is the Copperhead.
The consensus seems to be: stay with the stock cables, buy Volex 17604, or try Signal, VenHaus, or MAC (to which one might add Element). No substantive comments on the Audioquest, Furutech, Shunyata, Tara Labs and Wireworld products.
For the moment, two explanations for this consensus suggest themselves to me--I don't know if either is right.
1) audiophiles like to find "small", often single-person operations that challenge or surpass the "big boys".
2) the big mainstream companies establish a reputation with certain breakthrough products, then--cynically--develop their product lines to cover all the price points, regardless of the intrinsic merit of those subsequent products.
As a case in point, if you read through the "blurbs" on the MusicDirect website about the Shunyata PCs, it's almost as if the Venom and Diamondback were afterthoughts, and their "real" entry-level PC is the Copperhead.