Power Cable with a "soft" top end

OK without getting into a war about whether a PC does enough to change a system's sound or about using cables as tone controls can folks list any cords Sub $500 that traditionally considered soft/warm on top. Im one who does not believe that euphony and midrange emphasis is bad thing. Particularly b/c i listen a lot of poor sounding live recordings....thanks in advance.
Purist Dominus, particularly the fluid version, but also the Ferox compared to other brands.
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hi tvad:

your stereo system has changed over time. what is the context in which you observed the performance of the kubala sosna power cord ?

that is, did you attach the power cord to all possible components--digital, preamp and amp ? did you have multiple components of each genre available upon which to base your conclusion ?

finally, please define warm . as i understand the term, it implies an attenuation in the treble frequencies and a slight boost either in the upper bass or lower midrange.
warmth , as i see it is an instance of coloration, euphoic in particular.

by the way, i want to complement you on your consistently reasoned and unpolemic comments regarding a variety of subjects. you are an asset to audiogon--a voice of sanity.
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