Power Cable with a "soft" top end

OK without getting into a war about whether a PC does enough to change a system's sound or about using cables as tone controls can folks list any cords Sub $500 that traditionally considered soft/warm on top. Im one who does not believe that euphony and midrange emphasis is bad thing. Particularly b/c i listen a lot of poor sounding live recordings....thanks in advance.
hi tvad:

your stereo system has changed over time. what is the context in which you observed the performance of the kubala sosna power cord ?

that is, did you attach the power cord to all possible components--digital, preamp and amp ? did you have multiple components of each genre available upon which to base your conclusion ?

finally, please define warm . as i understand the term, it implies an attenuation in the treble frequencies and a slight boost either in the upper bass or lower midrange.
warmth , as i see it is an instance of coloration, euphoic in particular.

by the way, i want to complement you on your consistently reasoned and unpolemic comments regarding a variety of subjects. you are an asset to audiogon--a voice of sanity.
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On the Aesthetix Io, Callisto, CAT JL-3 amps, Manley Ref Tube Dac, both Dominus PCs had clearly less treble energy(soft top end) than the KS Emotion. There is detail heard with the KS in the top octaves that was simply gone with the Dominus. I had Joe Kubala here one day as we one-by-one swapped my cables for KS Emotion. A week later I got 3 Dominus PCs and 1 IC and compared to many of the KS cables Joe left with me. I stayed with the Dominus due to its 3D magic but that's a different issue.

As for other PCs, the Stealth Dream and Dream State top models, every one has significantly more top-end energy than the Dominus on every one of these components. It is not even close. With so many components tried, I concluded this was indeed a signature of the Dominus design as it carried through with the phono cable compared to the Stealth as well.

The issue of warm and frequency-extreme roll-off are two different issues. Warmth can imply a peak in the mids with or without treble accuracy/extension.
hi jafox:

it has been suggetsted that the dominus cords are not attenuating the treble. while you presented your experience with dominus and kubala sosna cords, is it possible that both are extended, but that one is less exteneded than the other ?