Power Cable with a "soft" top end

OK without getting into a war about whether a PC does enough to change a system's sound or about using cables as tone controls can folks list any cords Sub $500 that traditionally considered soft/warm on top. Im one who does not believe that euphony and midrange emphasis is bad thing. Particularly b/c i listen a lot of poor sounding live recordings....thanks in advance.
hi jafox:

it has been suggetsted that the dominus cords are not attenuating the treble. while you presented your experience with dominus and kubala sosna cords, is it possible that both are extended, but that one is less exteneded than the other ?
I would say that my experience mirrors John's (Jafox). I found both the Dominus cords, Fluid and Ferrox plus the K-S Emotion to be on the warm side of neutral, with the Dominus Fluid version being the warmest of the bunch. The Dominus, both versions, create a lovely 3-D soundstage, but IMHO, the K-S Emotion presented a more natural, extended top end. No, the Emotion was not as extended as the Stealth Dream, Nordost Valhalla or RSAD Poiema!!! Signature, but more so than the Dominus, IMS.

However, because of the OP's price range of under $500, I didn't recommend the Dominus or the K-S Emotion. I suppose one could get very lucky and find one for under $500 used, but it's unlikely. Since Kbuzz did not mention that he was specifically looking for used cords, that's why I recommended the Cardas Golden Reference, which is a good, warm cord which can be had new and/or used for under $500.

Thank you everyone for the replies and suggestions. I initially did not list my equip because i just wanted some generic recommendations. I am seeking a cord for use with my joule pre amp. Used or new.

In any event as a follow up, i have no objection to purchasing used. The reason for my inquiry is that I have a very very bright room and live in an apt. in nyc with children. So i have no/zero ability to adjust the room. In addition to the walls, a large picture window behind and to left of the listening position does not help. In other words if i was in the burbs, id be exploring room treatment. With that said, recently swapped out my basic signal cable power cord to my preamp with a higher end silver based cord. The differences were quire remarkable. The detail, transparency bass and depth increases were huge.

However, the downsides to the cord swap was that it added too much to the top end and does not make the music relaxing. So i love the change but my body and and ears would be dreading certain vocals.

The system is as a follows,

Bolder Digital Modded SB3 with modded Elpac PS & ERS Cloth>Signal Cable Digital Coax or VH Audio Pulsar>
John Wright modded Meitner/Museatex Bitstream Dac & Iego PC>Updated Audio Magic Stealth Matrix Mini
Joule Electra LA 100MK2>Reality Cables IC
RWA Sig 30.2 or Joule Electra Stargate Monoblocks>Reality Cable Speaker Cable> Omega Super Three Narrow Hemp on Skylan Stands, TBI subwoofer
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