Power cord for Cary 805AE?


My system is all Cary (slp-05, 805AE, 306 SACD) with Kimber cable. Which brand of power cord do you use for the Cary 805AE?
No longer have Cary's, but FWIW...

I am evaluating 2 power cords from Tek Line Cables. The microReference is $350, the mRXtreme is <$700. THese I just got yesterday and have no definitive statements other than it sounds terrific on my PAysonic 168 CD player.

The mRefs are great value, providing me with a large sound stage. Also impressive is the music's ebb and flow. Wood instruments, like pianoo, cello, upright bass have a naturalness and rightness about them. In my system I can hear the cavity resonance. In classical/big band the location of instrument sections and the separation within them provides a better connection to the music.
When I had the 805AE, I used Black Sand Silver Referance. They replaced Cardas Golden Reference. The bass was firmer and not so bloated, the treble was more extended. The Cary's were stolen and now I have a pair of MBL 8011 Momo's with the Black Sand's and the same results. These cables can be had used at a reasonable price.
Tran, what are you trying to achieve with the power cords? I have found that you get far more benefit from tube rolling than power cords.