Building first 2 channel system, need cable advice

Hi, I am in the process of building my first 2 channel system which will be used pretty much exclusively for music (possibly will hook it up to my tv at some point).

The system consists of:
-Anthony Gallo Ref 3.1 Speakers
-Bel Canto Ref 1000 Mono Block Amps
-Slim Devices Transporter [to be used as the transport, DAC, and pre-amp] (which I eventually intend to get modified by modwright)
-Anthony Gallo Ref SA Bass Amp (for the 2nd voice coil of the 3.1s)

All my music will be coming off a server which is why I am using the transporter.

What types of cables do I need to hook all this up and then what brands etc should I look at? Cable prices vary ridiculously depending on the brand and I am wondering if it is really worth it?

In terms of types I was thinking Balanced XLR from Transporter -> Bel Canto. Then what do I need for Bel Canto -> Speakers? And what do I need for the Bass Amp? Where does the bass amp input come from and what type of cables do I need and then what do I need for bass amp -> speakers (im assuming same as bel canto -> speakers).

Then in terms of brands what should I look at? I have heard that Zu Audio Cables are really good but they are also very expensive. Is there any need to spend this much?

Thanks for the info. I think I am going to try Signal Audio Cables. I have heard good things from a couple people and the price isnt too bad either.

Does anyone know what cables I need to hook up the SA bass amp? Im a bit confused. If I hook the transporter to my amps via XLR cables, do you think I could also hook up the non balanced output connectors on the transporter and hook that up to the bass amp?
So far in my audio journey I have found that the UPOCC silver wire is fantastic and beyond comparisson, but I have not tried any foil or ribbon designs. Theoretically it would be the best metal conductor available (7n purity and single crystal.
Cheers Jaap
Look into Oyaide PA-02 cables. Uses Furukawa-supplied PCOCC ("Ohno Continuous Cast") copper, well-built and inexpensive relative to the "field".