Spades or bananas connectors?

Hallo out there,

Which connector would you recommend me between my speakercables and my single wire speakers (Dynaudio)? Spades or bananas? The speakercables is Supra Sword.
Have to agree with Don S - is everyone's search function broken?

Best way to break in speakers, spades or bananas - and no, there isn't much new stuff DO A SEARCH and find the same answers over and over and over (and over).

Maybe there's only so many questions in audio, but my gosh, can't anyone try a search and find the dozens or hundreds of threads on the same subject and use that instead of the endless repetition?
If people are so frustrated by the repeated questions, why don't they just skip these threads and move on?
Why this great discussion about frustrations over duplicats issues. It was not that there was the issue. The question was: Spades or bananas? So, move on...
Bare wire... why introduce yet another physical contact (barrier?) in the audio chain?