Switch to silver for a treble boost?

I like my (budget) system, but I find it doesn't quite have the treble sparkle and 'air' I'd like.

I have the opportunity to buy a pair of 2.5 meter silver core speaker cables for less than $100 (hand soldered terminations, German surgical-grade silver multicore conductors), and was wondering what people's thoughts were on the subject: is it worth switching from my current heavy copper to silver add a bit of treble sparkle?
B&W DM602's (large standmounts). The bottom line is that for my system I know these speakers are ok, but thanks to years of playing in bands my upper frequency hearing isn't what it used to be. The Grado h'phones are on the bright side, which compensates somewhat.
I'd rather tweak a little extra top end by using different cables, rather than having to change speakers or using the tone controls on the amp.
Get the silver and try it out. If you don't like it, you can always resell and not lose too much, if anything at all.
There is little doubt that as a rule thick copper cable will tilt the music energy to the bass and mids overwhelming the treble. I am uncertain about what surgical silver "core" wire is exactly. My first experiment would be thin gauge copper Zip cord. The thinner copper cables are IMHO much better balanced than those whales intended for subwoofers.
If you are committed to silver then I would look into these.
Try the Signal Cable silvers or the Home Grown which comes in various thicknesses and prices. I must tell you that a real silver cable of that length will cost a lot more than $100 even used. You can generally find a lot of bargains for used cable here. It seems that trying and not liking, then selling a cable is a common practice. The fact that it wasn't for one person's taste is irrelevant you may love it.

I agree it wouldn't hurt to try this. Running silver wire all the way from your source to your speakers would have the greatest impact on sound. Signal Cable makes the cheapest all silver interconnects I know of http://signalcable.com/.

Secondly, does you amplifier have a jumper on the back between the pre and power amplifiers? Like a little metal U-shaped bar connecting RCA out and in? I replaced this metal bar on my amp with silver jumpers and it made a noticeable improvement in the resolution and air in the upper registers. Here are a couple of options:


I have also heard that Signal Cable will make you some out of their Silver Resolution wire http://signalcable.com/

Finally, I have the same CD player as you (from previous thread). I was experimenting with different platforms and supports underneath it and found that placing it on a heavy wooden chopping block on the shelf in my stereo cabinet really improved the sound quality and cleaned up any sibilance or digital nasties that might creep in occasionally. Also, I tried using small 3/4" hardwood blocks directly under the chassis and on top of the chopping block to support the player instead of the stock feet and found that the resolution took another jump forward and the sound became more tipped up towards the treble. I actually decided I liked the sound with the stock feet directly on the large chopping block best for my taste, but this is another cheap trick to tip the sound in favor of the higher octaves.