Do isolation devices really help?

I am curious about your thoughts on isolation devices--cones, pads, etc.. Do they really help? I can maybe understand how they may help with a CD player because you have a rotating disc moving picking up signals. But for solid state equipment like the preamp and amp I really don't understand what they would contribute for improving sound quality. I'm thinking about cones, etc for my CD transport. Any advice and comments about effect on other components?
Try Aurios under your CD player (I recommend the 1.2s). Then YOU answer the question.
One isolation product made a complete difference under my tube pre. A Symposium Ultra shelf. Expensive , yes, but an amazing improvement. Literally, I woudl have to change the component to hearas muchadifffence. It took my BC3 Galatea to another level. If this makes sense, it was more quiet, more dynamic and more extended. Amazing prduct that I highly recomend under anything tube. I am going to try it under my Meridian player next. I am currently using Sympoium Rollerblocks under my Meridian and the change was subtle but better han any cone I have used. The highs were more extended, dynamics improved and low level bass improved a smidge. I highly reccomend you try out the stuff from Symposium!
Where does all the air born resonances go to after they get into your electronics? How do they escape? It would seem that these isolation devices, in themselves, help keep those resonances right where you don't want them. You want all resonances to escape and go to the floor. Everything should, rack as well, be coupled with cones. I use Audio points, and am very happy. Sistrum Rack System does this (resonance transference) better than any I know of, as do their speaker support systems.
Yes! I have #2 Vibrapods under Amp and CDP and the sound is just clearer, more focused. Short story, I originally put mouse pads under the Vibrapods and while it improved the sound (versus w/out them) it was still lacking something. Clarity and detail to be precise. After reading A'gon I came to the conclusion that the mouse pads under the Pods was overkill. Went out and bought bath tile, put them under the Pods and "low and behold" there was my clarity and detail that was missing.

So, such isolation devices do matter.

The answer is this simple: My wife noticed the dramatic difference. She is not an audiofile enthusiast.

By the way, she notices change in cabling also. It's just hard to get her to sit down and experience these changes, but when she does, she experiences the sonic improvement, well, WOW!

Like I said, she is not an audiofile enthusiast but no longer thinks I'm crazy. Now I'm merely addicted.