Power cords and soundstage

So I made a couple of changes in my system yesterday. I've acquired new power cords, and replaced/rearranged the power cords for two of the amps.

By the way I consider myself as semi-skeptic and semi-believer of good cables. I've heard subtle difference and improvement on some of the cables. But in most cases either I can't reliably tell which is which, or if I can tell the difference it is very small. I don't own exotic cables. Some of the brands I own include Audioquest, Kimber, Analysis Plus, and a few home-brewed, but well received power cords.

When I changed the power cords yesterday I heard immediate, and distinct difference. I can't say whether I like or dislike the changes yet, but the change is unmistakable.

Even my wife, who is music enthusiast but indifferent when it comes to the system change, commented today and said she thought the center speaker is "too strong". I've then explained that there is no sound coming out from the center speaker with the CD that she was listening.

Some of the differences that I've heard with the new power cords are the following:

Bass: Immediately I heard and felt that the amount of bass from the main speakers were smaller. It is definitely less boomy, and became tighter. I'm afraid the bass doesn't extend as low as before. So I've gained some and lost some.

Focus: focus, soundstage, whatever you call it, has tightened up as well. The bright side of it is now the speakers have completely disappeared. However it doesn't sound as extended from left to right as before. And as my wife noticed the sound is seemingly coming out from the center speaker, although the center speaker is off. No, I didn't hit dolby pro logic button by mistake. The only speakers that are producing any SPL are left and right speakers. The instrument location is still clearly defined, but overall left right soundstage is now much smaller. Here again, I've gained some and lost some.

Depth: This is one area that clearly was improved. It may sound like a cliche, but the noise floor seemed to have decreased, there is more micro dynamics, and it sounds deeper.

Now I'm more confused than ever, and I'm questioning my sanity..
Jylee, your clarification is appreciated in all respects. Clearly the addition of anything that improves resolution, whether its PC's, cables, IC's, electronics, or speakers, will give you a clearer view of what is in the recording. In your case it was via a PC. In my view a reasonable audiophile goal is to get a relatively accurate reproduction of what is in the recording. Reasonable but not end all for some folks. Many prefer different speakers which give up some degree of specificity to gain a sense of wholeness in the room (Panels and many electrostats, as well as Omni's can do this very well). Horses for courses. What ever sound picture/stage you want is available and they all have trade off. FWIW. Good luck.
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Tvad...if you think that Oxaide Tunami is so good, try their P-4030 with the 046 plugs on each end. Jawdropping..
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