Power cords and soundstage

So I made a couple of changes in my system yesterday. I've acquired new power cords, and replaced/rearranged the power cords for two of the amps.

By the way I consider myself as semi-skeptic and semi-believer of good cables. I've heard subtle difference and improvement on some of the cables. But in most cases either I can't reliably tell which is which, or if I can tell the difference it is very small. I don't own exotic cables. Some of the brands I own include Audioquest, Kimber, Analysis Plus, and a few home-brewed, but well received power cords.

When I changed the power cords yesterday I heard immediate, and distinct difference. I can't say whether I like or dislike the changes yet, but the change is unmistakable.

Even my wife, who is music enthusiast but indifferent when it comes to the system change, commented today and said she thought the center speaker is "too strong". I've then explained that there is no sound coming out from the center speaker with the CD that she was listening.

Some of the differences that I've heard with the new power cords are the following:

Bass: Immediately I heard and felt that the amount of bass from the main speakers were smaller. It is definitely less boomy, and became tighter. I'm afraid the bass doesn't extend as low as before. So I've gained some and lost some.

Focus: focus, soundstage, whatever you call it, has tightened up as well. The bright side of it is now the speakers have completely disappeared. However it doesn't sound as extended from left to right as before. And as my wife noticed the sound is seemingly coming out from the center speaker, although the center speaker is off. No, I didn't hit dolby pro logic button by mistake. The only speakers that are producing any SPL are left and right speakers. The instrument location is still clearly defined, but overall left right soundstage is now much smaller. Here again, I've gained some and lost some.

Depth: This is one area that clearly was improved. It may sound like a cliche, but the noise floor seemed to have decreased, there is more micro dynamics, and it sounds deeper.

Now I'm more confused than ever, and I'm questioning my sanity..
Tvad...if you think that Oxaide Tunami is so good, try their P-4030 with the 046 plugs on each end. Jawdropping..
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Newbee, very good post. :) We're not so far off in all this.
Certainly one man's "dramatic difference" may be another's "nominal difference". This is one reason written comparisons can be tricky.

Jylee you need to know two things:

1. As you have seen how one PC can have such an impact that you hear discernible differences in sound, a difference which you are able to judge as to preference, then you should do yourself a favor and continue tuning the rig to taste. Interconnects and speaker cables all contribute.

2. The effects of cables are compounding; the result of one PC is nothing compared to that of an entire suite of cables for PC, IC, and speaker. The only way I was able to authentically learn the benefits of cables, and what each particular type/geometry of cables can do was by getting entire sets and using them in comparison to other sets.
One can do this on a small scale by directly comparing PC to PC, for instance, but to get the full appreciation of the "Power of Cables" one should conduct system-wide cable changes.

[Interjection: you need to know one more thing: Just because you are sane sonically does NOT mean you are sane fiscally! Being a good audiophile will not protect you from poor investment decisions! ;)]

Most audiophiles will not go to such lengths, as it is money and time consuming. For those who are bent on obtaining the ultimate sound, it is the only methodological way to ensure the best match between box components, speakers and cables. When using entire sets of cables one should expect changes in sound perceptually comparable to changing a source, pre or amp.

Finally, once a rig is established with the preferred brand of cables, one can tune, if they wish by the addition/subtraction of one set of ICs, or one power cord, etc. at a time. This is getting to the minutia of cabling and system matching. This is the level I operate at. (Hearing a distinction due to one PC does not mean your rig is near its potential, however it does mean your rig is good enough that it can benefit from cabling changes). I can hear the distinction between one power cord exchanged on either source, pre or amp. With actively crossed systems I also alter the sound via changes of power cord to the processor (There may be very few people who do that, when from my experience it has every bit as dramatic an impact as with other components).

I am an enthusiast, pushing beyond what the normal person would in regards to such things, but I feel it has paid off quite handsomely. Is it necessary to do this in order to have a great rig? No. Is it necessary to do so to achieve the ultimate rig with your current components? Yes. That is my experience, and my position regarding cables.
09-19-08: Tvad

09-19-08: Palerider

I really don't understand how the difference in PC's ability to deliver current would affect phase issues created by electronics or component set up.
I did not say the power cord change was causing a phase shift. What I wrote was that the change in sound I have heard in the past as a result of changing a power cord was similar to the sound of a phase shift. "

Yeah, and if you read my answer carefully you might get my reply to that. AC current phase-unbalance between components ruins 3D