Do Nordost match with B&W

Hi guys!
Has anyone had any experience with the nordost heimdall and B&W805s? I have B&W 805s,marantz PM14 and FURUTECH interconnect. Now i want to buy NORDOST HEIMDALL to replace the furutech, please give me some advise. I'm from Vietnam.
I went to the dealer to test the cables last thursday. And i think Purist and Transparent will be my choice. They give warmer sound than the NOrdost with good soundstage detail and emotional. Nordost Heimdall not bad, a amazing soundstage clarity and very detail but the sound too bright, not warm. I also tried Nordost Heimdall interconnect and Purist speaker cable. it's a very interesting combination with soundstage , detail, clarity good bass and emotional but the sound still warm and i might go for it.One thing i don't like about Purist is the size of the cables it's too big.
Which Purist did you listen to? The Aqueous cables are large in diameter but are very flexible.
I listened to Venustas and Musaeus. The sound of Venustas is better. The Aqueos is out of stock