Synergistic Research Tesla x4 speaker cable

Anyone have experience with these? I am auditioning them along with a few others right now and they sound so odd that I am concerned that the pair i was sent might be defective.
They sound like I have on headphones. no real central image. I am aware of sound from each side but no image in the middle.
thanks in advance for any insight!
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You could use an ohmmeter to check the cables. Disconnect the cables from the amp and speakers and connect the ohmmeter between the red amp end and the red speaker end.You should get a reading on the ohmmeter. If not the cable is mismarked.
You also need to make sure the mini coupler is plugged incorrectly. They will sound weird if backwards.
I called SR and they thought that there was a phase issue as well. I tried swapping 1 red for black and it seems to have fixed the problem.
Ozzy - I didnt even know that there was anything directional about the coupler. I didnt see any markings on it. How can I tell? I guess trial and error would work if nothing else.
Thanks all. Gonna let em settle for a few days. They sound much better now but still not up to par with the mit's to my ears...
Keep us posted Jimmy. . . something tells me there may be a pair of SR speaker wires in my system's future as well. G