Interconnect cable upgrade disapointment

I have recently upgraded my Audioquest Topaz XLR interconnects from my amp to preamp and from my preamp to my CD player with Audioquest Cobra XLRs. I was expecting to hear a substantial difference based on the significant price difference between these cables but I hardly noticed any difference at all. If I need to break in the interconnects to have an apples to apples comparison I would appreciate tips on how to do so. Currently, I have a CD playing on repeat. How long will the break in period take and can I expect to observe a substantial difference? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Cables are OH SO system dependent, you always want to try out the cable before buying it. Also... if these cables have those batteries as some Audioquest cables do, they are always broken in. When I auditioned cables for my system, Audioquest did very well. The only thing better in my system (maybe yes, or maybe no for yours) is Anti-Cables.
listen to them for a few weeks and switch back (if you still have them) and see how you feel. The better qualities of new cable can sneak up on you sometimes...
If the geometry and total gauge of the two are not that dissimilar, then you have your results - more the same than different. You will not get a sea change in performance from break in. Your ears may acclimate to the sound, but that should not be confused with performance improvement.

Sounds like the upgraded Cobra fails the Law of Efficacy in comparison to the Topaz, in that there was not a significant, easily discernible difference (we could say "worthwhile", as opposed to your experience, "hardly any difference at all"). I would suggest going to an entirely different line of cables, where you likely would hear a much more distinct difference.

There is one other possibility, which we could eliminate if we knew what equipment you are running. If you have closer to Mid-Fi gear then you likely would not be able to discern differences between the cables nearly as easily as if you have higher end gear. This is not a judgment, merely a statement of fact. Rules of thumb are not exact, but can be helpful. If you have any or all of the following, 2 way smaller monitor speakers, vintage gear, or a rig not much beyond $5K, then you will likely not hear much difference. If you run a rig with what is approaching a true full range floor standing speaker, current and higher end gear, maybe in the $30K-$40K total cost category, then you should be able to hear more of a difference. IF you have that kind of rig and the difference is marginal, then the cable is likely a virtual clone of the earlier model, or Audioquest made a lateral move (at least to you) in improving their cables.

Even when I had a modest rig I could hear what I felt at the time were significant improvements between AQ cables. However, that was within the same line; the Topaz is the old line, and the Cobra is the new. What differences exist between them, aside from cosmetics, I am unsure. A breakdown of the configuration of the two cables might provide the answer.

I never depend on break in period to determine whether a change is efficacious. If the difference is not significant immediately, discernible within seconds to a minute or two - several minutes at the most, then it was a mistake or mismatch and if kept will limit how much improvement you will achieve, as you will be settling for only a marginal change. Any change which does not strike you as impressive is not worth considering. There are FAR too many fabulous improvements out there in cables, components and speakers to settle for mediocre changes.

Thank you all for your comments. My set up is as follows: Classe CA 200 amp, Classe CP 35 preamp, Classe CDP .5 CD player, B&W 802 Matrix Series 3. Perhaps I should demo some higher level audioquest and a different line of cables. I will make a trip to my local dealer.

Thanks for your kind assistance.

Joe, your equipment is good. It's possible your dealer has another line of cables to try. It's very likely you will hear more difference trying a different brand. Also, cables have a "compounding" effect; the more changed the more you can move toward your desired sound - that is, if you like what the cables do.

Note well: It is definitely NOT necessary to spend inordinate amounts within the same cable line to achieve a much different sound. Different brands have sonically quite different "house" sounds. Many times the average priced cables of different brands will sound significantly different. This is why I suggest an alternative brand to compare.