Cables Suggestions for My System?

Hey out there,

I am lost in the cable jungle, and I can't make out which way is up. I don't know which cable way I have to go and it's not exactly easy to audition these things. Can you help me?

This is my setup:

Pathos Logos Integrated Amp (likely keeping this one)
Cayin A-100T Integrated Amp
Benchmark DAC (thinking about a PS Audio Digital Link III)
Rega Apollo CDP
Salk HT-1 monitors

I have several Audience PC's and one Virtual Dynamics David PC. IC's are primarily Audience Maestros and one AZ Silver Byte digital IC (between the CDP and DAC).

The weak link IMHO is that my speakers cables are 13' Zu Wax cables.
I don't hear a huge differences between cables but I figure now is the time for an upgrade. Given a budget of up to $750 (new or used) I need suggestions.

If it helps, I'm more of a jazz listener with a emphasis on vocals and brass instruments. Thanks!

if you're going the anti-cable route, just go to your local electric motor repair shop and buy some 12 guage magnet wire, or thicker if you can get it. terminate the ends yourself and save a bundle over the "anti-cables". try the MAC speaker cables here on audiogon. they are inexpensive, but sound excellent.
The Cardas cables never fail to sound musical. If you want Cardas, look at the Cross, Twinlink or Quadlink.
Thanks for all the suggestions.

I just picked up the AZ Hologram II from my primary dealer for an extended demo. For comparison, he also provided me with the Blue Circle BC92 cables.

I second the reality cables there excellent value for the money and Gregg Straley the designer is one hell of a nice guy.

Gregg's cables wil beat out any cables 1k and below IMO