cable doubter no more

i was once one that thought high end cables were just a waste of money. i upgraded my system and purchased all ps audio cables. these were replacing signal cables, i heard a clear improvment. i was satisfied, and believed my currant componenets were as good as it would get with them. i then went to the R.M.A.F. and lusted after all the great sounding gear. but my ears were bigger than my wallet. but after finding some good deals on some dh labs revelations, and a set of analysis plus blackovals, my system has been transformed. im talking a good 20% by 2 sets of interconnects and a set of speaker cables. im blown away by the improvement. to all you cable doubters out there sorry YOU ARE WRONG !! just wanted to get that out there , thanks for reading.
"How will this factor in to your contest?"

It doesn't matter how it factors in!

I'd have to go with 'feil in a "Last Man Standing " match.
Wow! There are new ones born every day. In their most fundamental and primitive form, cables can be characterized by their resistance "R", capacitance "C" and inductance "L". Anyone with a slight hint of scientific background knows that these are the components of a "Filter". So yes cables based on their construction and electrical parameters WILL sound slightly different. But with that said, any good engineer worth his salt can design a good conductor for the "Audio Bandwidth" spectrum. As a matter of fact, the companies that have researched this field of audio transmission through a conductor are NOT the high-end audio company's but rather the actual "wire" manufacturers and those involve in supplying cables to the radio and television broadcast industries. And most of you would chock on your expensive cables to find out that these companies sell their well researched and engineered cables for pennies a foot. One of the best regarded cables in the Ultra-high-end market is FM Acoustics' line of Forceline and Precision Interface cables, which I have had; and I have come to find out that they are made from pennies a foot radio/studio industry standard cables made in Switzerland. In other words, each high cable manufacturer puts their spin and repackaging on the bare wires. And yes I do agree that there are slight difference in their sound. But only those individuals who are less informed and lacking of scientific knowledge individuals would continue this trial and error cable swap ritual when there are better, more predictable and more precise ways to accomplish the same end result in a more controlled method. The pricing of these cables is a sham and although the construction, looks and feel of these cables is often quiet impressive, in the end what really matters is the inexpensive wire used. The cost of bare silver and gold and other precious metals does not even begin to justify some of the more exotic cables in the market. You can continue to experiment with cables as "tone-control" but why settle for static filters????? When programmable and adjustable filters are available???? As long as there are gullible consumers out there, the high-end audio industry will always be a place where they are prayed upon.