$59 PC Options

Ive searched and read all the debate on whether a cheap PC is worth the upgrade over stock, and how a dedicated line, or outlets are more important etc.. I dont want to start that discussion...im upgrading!

What I would like to hear is opinions on coloration of the brands im considering at the above price point.

PS Audio Punch $50
Element Blue Power Cord $50

Signal Magic Power $59
Element Elementcord $59

Shunyata Venom $79

I see Signal and Element both also have a "digital" version for $69. Is there any difference for the $10 bucks?

Mac 6900
Rega Apollo

(debating that the CDP is more crucial..thoughts?)

I read in some prior posts for instance about Signal being a bit brighter then otheres in its price range....this is what id like to know...general tone difference if any.

Tvad, I'm not disputing your findings in the context of your system. But as someone as experienced as yourself knows, power cords and other cables do affect universally applicable results. I've tried the Volex 17604 on every component in my system and there is no comparison to the Cryo-Max cable. The Volex is a waste of money in my system, barely better than a stock cord. It's interesting how different ears perceive these things isn't it? I also tried every flavor of the diy VH cords and found them to perform not as well as the Cryo-Max ( in my system.) Now, I've not tried every permutation of connector available, so it's very probable that's a reason people experience different results too. Who Knows?
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DH Labs sells their assembled power cord for about $220 but is to be commended for the fact that they'll also sell the raw cable for about $6.50 a foot.

Using high quality Marinco connectors you can build this cord for about $70, although I've also gone to the expense of having the cord cryoed.



A very good cord IMO-I use them throughout my system and it is very slightly warmer than neutral as the review suggests.

Among the cords I've used and prefer it to are: Blue Circle BC 62, Cardas Golden (plain Golden not the reference which I haven't used), Virtual Dynamics Power 3, DIY JPS labs built using the JPS in-wall cable (supposedly very close to the JPS Power) and the Volex. I'd agree that the Volex is not in the same league as the better cords or anything I've listed above, although it is cheap.

The MAC listed above sounds interesting.
Another suggestion - Audio Art Cable PC - previously used Signal, PS Audio Statement, NAT and none of those made an audible difference in my systems - AAC does
It can be a vicious cycle. IMO cables are the icing on the cake for a system. I have tried several combinations of PC and IC with varying results. Some good, some really good and othersÂ… well, not so good. Change is not always a good thing but I do understand the temptation to try something different.

The best advice I have received on this form is to try it for yourself and let your ears decide.