PC & IC: Stealth vs KS Emotion vs Elrod

I need to buy one IC XLR and one PC , and I want to ad some warm to the sound. I´m thinking on Elrod statement and Stealth Dream as option for the PC, and the Stealth Indra or Nanofiber and KS Emotion as IC XLR, can you give me your opinion? Thanks
David Elrod just introduced, a few days ago, new line of "Gold Edition" interconnects and speakers cables and power cords. I was lucky to auditioned his interconnects and they greatly outperformed everything he did before. I don't think he has competitor anywhere in the world.
Is there any info available on new Elrod IC's/spkr cables/PC's? I am a big fan of his work. Thx.

>>I don't think he has competitor anywhere in the world.<<

In fact there are many outstanding competitors.