what do you know"

after experimenting with diferent spkrs cables, from audio quest mont blank,to VD reference, cardas GR,my current cables. whent to a friends house over the weekend to audition it's new VTL 7.5 preamp, stumble across a pair of MIT 750,spkr cable that has been neglected for a long time and asked to borrow cables for a trial, wasnt' specting mouch from cable, but for my surprice this cable blew away all my other cables buy far, imaging was unbeliavable,instrument separation,air and sound stage was out of this word, to be honest the best Ihave try by far, did some research on this cable, and it sells for $175 or bo, now I have my $2500 cables for sale and I can believe Im doing this, anybody with similar experience,
Regarding Juancgenao's original post, over the years, I have had several experiences just like yours. My advice: live with the MITs for a month or so before you declare them the winner. I've often suspected that, with cables, sometimes putting a different set in the system seems to be a dramatic improvement, but it just doesn't pan out that way over time. This phenomenon is a mystery to me, but I have experienced it.

That said, imaging and spatial stuff is what MIT does best. Once you become accustomed to it, you may find that they are lacking in some other areas. Or not. Many people swear by MIT.
I have replaced my very expensive speaker cables with Anti Cables, which I find to be remarkable. I wish I would have known about them before spending all that money. As for those who are implying that differences in cable sound quality is not real, but only in your head, I ask what is the difference, if you hear it, you hear it!! Cables do have different sonic signatures and I don't know how anyone can deny it! For all of those research papers that allude to this as being a placebo effect, I say scientists once believed in Newton's laws of Physics as infallible until Einstein's General Theory of Relativity disproved most of it!! This is a hobby, have fun, Trust your EARS!!
Alan uses 79 Strand copper

I recommend that too. Great speaker wire - you get nice contact at the binding posts and very flexible - no stress on connectors.

If you hear it, you hear it?

placebo effect

any effect that seems to be a consequence of administering a placebo; the change is usually beneficial and is assumed result from the person's faith in the product or preconceptions about what the product was supposed to do;

Also see subject-expectancy effect. ACTUALLY READ this stuff people. This is why it is SO important to engage in objective experiments like the aforementioned.

In other words: IT'S PSYCHOLOGICAL!!!

Get over this fact and you can actually move on to enjoy the music.

BTW, what research papers are you referring too? Or are you inferring that they exist? If this is so why do you dogmatically dismiss them?

Furthermore, you use a very weak objection with regards to Newton's Laws. What do they have t do with electricity? Do you even have a basic understanding of electro-magnetic science?

I'm also not sure what you mean by this statement. If there is some 'mystical' force field beyond our 'human capacity' of understanding that is affecting the sound of our systems then how do the perpetrators of such high-end cables garner the knowledge to make them?

I'm confused????