what do you know"

after experimenting with diferent spkrs cables, from audio quest mont blank,to VD reference, cardas GR,my current cables. whent to a friends house over the weekend to audition it's new VTL 7.5 preamp, stumble across a pair of MIT 750,spkr cable that has been neglected for a long time and asked to borrow cables for a trial, wasnt' specting mouch from cable, but for my surprice this cable blew away all my other cables buy far, imaging was unbeliavable,instrument separation,air and sound stage was out of this word, to be honest the best Ihave try by far, did some research on this cable, and it sells for $175 or bo, now I have my $2500 cables for sale and I can believe Im doing this, anybody with similar experience,

A suggestion: make sure to mention that you are "tin eared" on any thread that goes in this direction. If you admit to being inferior or just plain average when making these kind of observations then those who are certain of their superiority (can hear big differences and don't need to do blind tests to confirm what they hear) will not be offended.
If the same rigorous testing conditions are not implemented during the demoing stage how do you truly know that the more expensive cables are better? Wouldn't it stand to reason that if the differences are so obvious comparing them in your system that you should be able to pick them out under blind conditions???
You make a good point. Those who dismiss blind testing often hide behind protestations that the methodology was failed. But it cuts both ways. If the differences are so obvious at home, shouldn't they be at least apparent even under less-than-perfect test conditions?
This hobby is about better sound for more enjoyable listening.....audiophiles make many changes to improve sound ie..cables....capacitors. There are many "listening tests on capacitor differences...Tony Gee as an example. Cables like capacitors do make a difference....case closed. There is no doubt that the MIT cable improved the sound....I would listen for a few more days and see if there are changes. Synergy plays a big part between componets. After you have been doing this a while your ear becomes trained...if you don't believe cables or capacitors can make a difference....your not serious about this hobby.
Well, I guess that settles it! All you non-believers, get the fugazi outta here -- this place is only for people who are serious about this hobby.

Science is only good when it supports your belief system.
It seems to me that this thread has gotten a little crazy and I apologize for my remarks. I just think that we don't have any tests that can determine what a person should or will hear whether it's a cable or equipment. I oftentimes read John Atkinsons amplifier measurment reviews in Stereophile and sometimes the results of those measurements would imply that the amplifier will not sound good, but many times the reviewer will determine that the amplifier sounds excellent. What are you going to believe, the data from all of these tests or your ears??!!