"You can bet your bottom dollar that NONE of the various recording/mixing/mastering facilities are suspending their cables during the making of a recording."
I like that answer. All the recording studios I've worked in had the cables bundled together running across the floor or up inside a drop-ceiling. (We did keep power cables away from audio). But I would agree with the theory to keep cables off the carpet.
Use gold coins below your cables and you will hear the improvement immediately. Gold gets in reaction with the electrical field of the cables and improves the molecular flow (more shiny). Some say, the best are Krugerrands from South Africa ... but after long research I finally settled with white-gold Rolexes below my cables. There is a swiss precision added to details which is unique ...
Nonoise, I agree with your statement concerning the effect of synthetic carpet. When my cables are lifted off that surface there`s an improvement in clarity,or as you say less smearing. The change is subtle but consistent.I can`t comment on other flooring materials. Regards,
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