Confused addict: need help with upgrade

Current sys: B&W Nautilius 805; rotel 1070 cdp; classe 151 integrated amp; audioquest slate and audioquest coral

I recently replaced my rotel 1060 integrated amp with the cap 151. I was pretty happy with the rotel but reading the magazines made me want to buy the next better amp. Different dealers said the Classe and B&Ws are "a match in heaven". I thought it made some sense because B&W distributes Classe. I auditioned the Classe at the dealer and liked it and bought it. ( I heard Krell 300iL may be too bright and CLasse has a more airy treble.)

While there is significant improvement in the base response, I notice more roll off at the high frequencies. The dynamics are vastly improved but I can't detect any significant difference in transparency.

(To avoid decompensating my neurotic-pyschotic neighbour, I listen at a reduced level with the Classe. The relative dynamic compression of the rotel is a mixed blessing.)

Is this an inherent compromise for an airy treble?
What should I do to increase the transparency?

I coninue to read What HiFi, Stereophile, Absolute Sound, HiFi Choice. I am thinking Sony SCD XA-777ES is the solution. Am I on the right track?

My dealer said the Signature 805s are much better than the regular 805s. Would my money be better spent with new speakers?

Any help is appreiated.
I would experiment with your interconnects/speaker wire.
I'm not familiar with Classe equipment so I can't say whether it would suit your speakers and listening preferences. Also, other sources of music, (tuner and turntable) would be good comparing with your CD player. Don't get too wound-up in those magazines. It's all about
system matching within your listening room to your tastes.
Great music can be had for a very reasonable cost. Also,
give your new equipment a chance to settle in. (2-3 yrs., only kidding!) Relax and enjoy and you'll get there. Bill
Classe & B&W are lately hitting the market together. For the rest, I second Kotta's advice. Play with your present system, try support & tweaks if it tickles yr fancy (lots of discussion here on A'gon). If you're still not satisfied, slowly look at wires (include after-market power chords), THEN, maybe, the cdp. Meanwhile, buy music (tweaks are usually cheap). Cheers
Good advice from the prior writers. Nice to see some guys "get it"! You might want to read "10 Secrets to Better Sound" at It's loaded with insight as to why changing componets should be the last thing to do.