Confused addict: need help with upgrade

Current sys: B&W Nautilius 805; rotel 1070 cdp; classe 151 integrated amp; audioquest slate and audioquest coral

I recently replaced my rotel 1060 integrated amp with the cap 151. I was pretty happy with the rotel but reading the magazines made me want to buy the next better amp. Different dealers said the Classe and B&Ws are "a match in heaven". I thought it made some sense because B&W distributes Classe. I auditioned the Classe at the dealer and liked it and bought it. ( I heard Krell 300iL may be too bright and CLasse has a more airy treble.)

While there is significant improvement in the base response, I notice more roll off at the high frequencies. The dynamics are vastly improved but I can't detect any significant difference in transparency.

(To avoid decompensating my neurotic-pyschotic neighbour, I listen at a reduced level with the Classe. The relative dynamic compression of the rotel is a mixed blessing.)

Is this an inherent compromise for an airy treble?
What should I do to increase the transparency?

I coninue to read What HiFi, Stereophile, Absolute Sound, HiFi Choice. I am thinking Sony SCD XA-777ES is the solution. Am I on the right track?

My dealer said the Signature 805s are much better than the regular 805s. Would my money be better spent with new speakers?

Any help is appreiated.
I suspect you're maxing out the front end of your system. Classe is indeed a good match for B&W. It is sufficiently powerful with enough current output and bass control. It also has a polite sound as opposed to some amps (you mention Krell in this vein) which can sound overly bright on B&W's.

It follows that you would hear improved dynamics - but I think in order to improve transparency you should audition some other CD players. The Rotel is strong at that price point but consider listening to something a step up. You might be surprised how much of a bottleneck the front end can be.

Also FYI leave your Classe and CDP on at all times - that makes a huge difference. If you aren't doing that presently you may find that will increase transparency.
I third (or fourth) the wire recommendation, it is the first thing I thought of when I read your post.

When you really get it right your system should really click. I am not familiar with the Audioquest wire but when it is right I bet you will know it.
I own the B&W Nautilus 805s. I have a very high quality front end interfaced to these speakers. They deliver what you feed them. My system is riveting on Jazz, vocals and instrumentals. For large scale orchestral music I will have to walk some additional miles ...
Maybe the Rotel was bright and not the Classe rolled off. That was my impression of Rotel integrated on B&W 601's. Stereophile could seem to make up their mind about giving the Classe an "A" because of it's forward sound. Finally gave it a "B". So I don't know if you could call Classe rolled off.
I swithed from Classe to Musical Fidelity with Revel M-20 / F30 and lost a lot of high frequency energy. So maybe Classe is really not less bright, just more "correct". Just my thought.
Are you sure Classe is distributed by Equity (Rotel and B&W)? They're a Quebecois firm, and pretty unrelated to those guys in the UK, eh?