Hello there,
Your Classe is a fine unit! Krell does have a little more resolution but well more analytical I should say, the Classe is more musical I think in many ways.
What you need is to go buy and older full range ribbon like the Apogee Stages! You want low level resolution, they are the only ones. Dont get me wrong the are many super new speakers today but the Apogee will sound different, layers and layers and layers of detail and I mean detail.
I had them all before, the DIVA, GRAND and finally parted with it few years ago. NO SUPPORT other that a guy in Australia who can repair these stuff. Now I have Wilsons and Sonus Faber as my references. You could pick up an older Apogee for a good price. Try it out if you dont believe me. You will be startled when you hear it for the first time. Musicians will be there in your room, no kidding. Maggies are not bad at all but Apogees were differernt, the had the subtleness, soundstage, dispersion level, dynamics, RESOLUTION GALORE!!!! and the ATTACK was mind blowing! Look around for even an Apogee Centaur Hybrid and it will give you a taste of the Jason Bloom's 27 in ribbon taste which was my first experience with Apogee and never ever forgot it and finally ended up buying 3 pairs all in along the the DIVA's the 250lb beauty! Good luck!
It took me years to find out what I wanted in a pair of speakers and the Apogee did it in 15 minutes of listening.
Good luck! I am no more a ribbon devote just to let you know. After 7 year when Apogee bailed out, I bailed out on Apogee my self! They are a classic design, simple but effective! p/s I was not impressed with many other ribbon manufactures! Apogee stood out to the top! Try it out and see for your self!