Thanks for the vote of confidence Isochronism. To really improve these, it would take a crossover re design, I haven't run curves, but my instincts are that crossover point would move up to 600 or so and slopes would change from 12/12 to 12/18 to improve phasing. Then if I'm going to do that, might as well brace these cabinets. They really could use some re finishing.. easy enough. I could get lost in these and yes, they would be excellent. The bottom line is WAF won't go. Yes, I believe that I could over rule her and keep these, But my old body still functions and I'd like to keep an active (night)life. My current MTM's are very good and overall, I prefer them to the Altec's in their current form. These are very large and really could use a listening area larger than I have them in. I realize that some day, I'll kick myself for letting them go, but overall it my best call today.