What's better than FIM power cords

I think these are great, they just drive me crazy trying to bend them and I broke one of the connectors
I've had my best luck with Synergistic Research cables. David Elrod also makes very good PCs.
6SONSAUDIO Golden Eagle line of pc & ic...these cables are insanely good - 30 day money back guarantee if you don't like them. No affiliation with the company, just a very happy customer. These cables transformed my system, they are simply incredible.
Thanks for all the answers, after I get my room figured out I'll try some of these cords
very interesting, what other cables have you compared the Golden Eagles to and what components do you use?
Is the PCs with Acrolink top of the line connects?
I am using Oyeida plugs with Accrolink wire for power cords. The difference between these and very good power cords I had was stunning.