Anyone still playing on Cassette decks?

To make my last week short story:
My anesthesia professor gave me some conferences on tapes about 80, I was so curious that I went online right away searching for a decent deck at a good price, but locally I found a guy selling a Yamaha KX-390, he was asking $40, I offered $25 he took it!
I came home all the types were ok, but I start wondering how music tapes will sound trough my harbeth/luxman combo, I remembered that but mistake I ordered a cowboy Junkies album
on amazon, i put it on, an i have been amaze how satisfying tapes could be still, on times where people are looking for HD tracks...
Wondering if any of you will excellent TT and DACs comp based systems, still feel joy playing tapes?

Now i am trying to look for a better deck and studio recorded cassettes in good condition, i want to give a try to the format again, I realized that I enjoying changing formats and sources on my set up.

A good cassette deck advice will be highly appreciated.

Regards to you all.
Of course, my Nakamichi Dragon is going strong. Still state of the art, and many of the 2,000 cassettes I have do sound good. Analogue never dies.
My Toyota Avalon has a cassette player and I use it often. I was listening to "1983 top 105.5 songs" I recorded off 105.5 KNAC this morning on the way in to work.
Alway brings back good memories of times gone by.
About 11 or 12 years ago I bought a Nakamichi DR-10 from J&R in New York. That model listed, as I recall, for $900. and was being closed out at $299. It's a 3-head deck with quite a few bells and whistles and makes quite good recordings. i bought it to record a weekly Saturday evening jazz program (Milestones) produced by Miles Willis for KPFT (Houston).Each program was recorded on two 90-minutes cassettes. I accumulated several years of the programs until Mr. Willis left Houston for D.C. The DR-10 still works great, and I still listen the tapes on an ocassional basis.
If anyone can find an AIWA with AMTS it will be your lucky day. The Anti-Modulation Tape Stabiliser really locks the tape in place. I have the AD-R707 & would recommend any other 2 head model as well. The Dolby C kicks in the MPX filter so noise is quite minimal.
My first official high end piece of gear was a bought new nakamichi 480 deck. I still own it and use it rarely. It doesn't sit in my rack but it's in the music room. I also have a Sony pro walkman cassette player. I'm not converting any of my tapes.