I am sick of cables

I have owned cables like Nordost Valhalla, Purist Audio 20th anniversary, Acoustic Zen Silver Reference, Virtual Dynamics Revelation, Argento Serenity. I have also auditioned cables like stealth indra in my system.

All I can say is that I am sick of cables, don't want to talk about them, audition them, not even see them....lol

Right now I have found a great combination of less expensive cables than the above which are perfect with MY equipment.

I was wondering why studios that record the music we are listening are not using super expensive cables...

In my humble opinion IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE AFTER, the most expensive cables are not necessarily better...

I said it, now I feel better...
I have relatively inexpensive cables. If you buy them new, I think they're only about $30/meter. I'm happy. I read about many other cables that are very expensive and see the posts with the arguments. But you know what? If I don't spend the money on "better" cables, who cares? I'm happy now. I feel no need to experiment and spend money I can't afford to part with only to get where I am now..i.e. happy. Is there something that may be better. Possibly. But why bother, I'm happy now. I guess you could sum up this logic by saying that ignorance is bliss and I don't know what I'm missing, etc. However, the best way to avoid audiophilia nervosa, whether it's with cables or anything else, is to know when you have a good thing and be strong enough and have the self discipline not to engage in expensive experiments. Not that I'm advocating that the innate human urge to explore and experiment should be ignored. But we're talking cables, not space exploration. If you're unhappy with some aspect of your system, then experiment and change. If you're content, why change?

I sense that many audiphile types will not approve of this philosophy since constant change is part of their enjoyment of the hobby. However, from the posts above, I think many will also agree. Something else to debate.
"most expensive cables are not necessarily better." Which means that sometimes they may be! I do agree.
Nasaman I enjoyed your posting and I agree with you with the many nights I stood up thinking of owning one of those exotics. I would beg to differ with the "They obviously spent too much on R&D". Most wire is purchased in large bulk from companies such as Dow Corning and the like. The amount of wire purchased by all specialty esoterics is so small that a company like Dow would not even waste it's time doing R&D just so some audiophile could have a better sounding system. Most is all hype, with very little if any real science to back up. I just can't justify spending 500.00 or much more for a meter of wire. WEll I know their are some that are getting the rope ready, for my lynching.
"I was wondering why studios that record the music we are listening are not using super expensive cables..."

Because they are businesses that must manage expenses wisely and whose customers are largely not audiophile extremists.