Computer vs CD/SACD discs

I am simplifying my system and getting out of vinyl. Actually sold all the vinyl and analog gear already. I was planning on going to computer audio and have been playing with it but really don't see the benefit over just slipping a disc into the tray. I also am getting a bit frustrated by all of the options of downloads, cables, inputs and opinions all over the place. I would welcome opinions thoughts on computer audio vs the old fashioned, putting a disc on the tray and pushing play. ( Streaming, I use spotify, exempted as this is a nice way to demo new music).
It could depend on your age. At mine(64), I'm done with changing over systems. I have a CD collection of somewhere around 7,000-8,000, and I ain't ripping them into a damn computer! I still have my LP collection too, numbering around 4,000 or so. I'm not ripping them either! I'm perfectly content with LP's and CD's---I'll spend the rest of the time I have left listening to the music on them, thank you very much.
I am 63 and about 2 years ago transitioned from a transport-DAC combo to a Bryston BDP-1 digital player to a DAC (previously the PS Audio PWD MkII, now upgraded to Direct Stream - wow! but that's another post). The Bryston is controlled by laptop or iPad or iPhone. SQ audibly better than transport (CEC TL-1x, no slouch there); convenience factor far greater; and there are services who will load your CD collection on to HD's.

Never too old Bdp24!

08-04-14: Nglazer
I am 63 and about 2 years ago transitioned from a transport-DAC combo to a Bryston BDP-1 digital player to a DAC (previously the PS Audio PWD MkII, now upgraded to Direct Stream - wow! but that's another post). The Bryston is controlled by laptop or iPad or iPhone. SQ audibly better than transport (CEC TL-1x, no slouch there); convenience factor far greater; and there are services who will load your CD collection on to HD's.

Never too old Bdp24!

It's understandable as one ages, they are more set in their ways. I think the biggest factor is attitude. Easier to whine, make excuses and I'm surprise no one has compared computer audio to fighting in Iraq.

Gotta go rip some CDs and get my daily exercise now. I can only do 1 CD per day before reaching anaerobic state. Goal is 2 in 6 months once I increase my anaerobic threshold.
Boy, some really great responses. I am going from a primarily analog, ( vinyl ) system to digital. Am working on doing computer but other than streaming from something like spottily I am struggling to understand the value of putting my music on a computer. Also, when I order a CD or a SACD I get a CD or SACD that is mine to do with what I want. When I get a down load I am far more restricted in what I can do with it, trade, sell etc, And the Cost is about the same. Perhaps I should look at a good stand alone player that also can be used as a separate DAC like an Esoteric k-05 or K-03.

Again, thanks for the responses.