Best cable for short monoblock runs?

My blocks are elevated so that I only need 15" or even 12" of cable. I've done a lot of DIY experimentation with short and more conventional (2 meter) lengths and results suggest the composition and configuration of short runs may be more critical than long runs.

Probably my best short run results were with 4 - #24 bare Cat5 copper runs for each leg, spaced widely apart, like a fan. 8 wires total.

Your experiences, suggestions? Doesn't have to be DIY. Commercial is good.

I've tried Jon Risch's 89259 2 meter runs -- not too impressive, to be polite. I just ordered a 2 meter pair of Signal Ultra cable. I'll use long runs over that short 12-15" distance if results are superior. May as well put the blocks on the floor if I do.

I'm using DIY monoblocks now but have a pair of Clayton M200s coming soon.
Very interesting Kijanki. Very.

Mural: Al wrap for "the return"?? Do you mean negative side?
Do it the other way around, and you have trash to hear. The fact is what goes to the amp is grounded. There is absolutely no reason to give wasted signal a royal coach ride to the graveyard. I got the idea from my speakers. The bass ribbons are aluminum, and the music exits through, you got it, aluminum ribbon down the 5 feet of the speaker.
Easy. Guy one used MIT Oracle lll. Cut it in half & reterminate the new end. Exceptional...
I use a very similar configuration, very high purity copper, fine strands to mono blocks on a very short run 3 or 4 feet. I’m actually using quad wire from the BHKs 300 amps dual binding posts. (Mid/hi, bass, super tweeters and subs- each with its own run) I’ve run the wire various ways... bare, rapped in seran wrap, tubes , etc.

The set up sounds good -especially for a DIY situation.

But surprisingly, I recently put in the new Belden iconoclast speaker cables to try (I’m signing up as a dealer). The shocking thing is that the speakers were actually louder with these very low impedance cables than bare high purity copper.

The iconoclasts come with measurements of each cable created. I know Belden isn’t known in high end circles just yet, but  Galen Garies, an engineer at Belden Is an audiophile and convinced them to release his high end design based on measurable science.  The white papers are impressive as is the sound and for a very reasonable cost compared with other high end designs. 

Anyone that wants to hear these cables in their own system, PM me.... I’d love to get some feedback.