Does anybody smell smoke?

Greetings everyone,
I just received a used Audioquest Sub 3 cable that was purchased on Ebay. When I opened the package I discovered that the cable has a very strong odor of cigarette smoke.

Any advice on how to get rid of or lessen the odor without hurting the cable? If possible, I would like to solve the problem without returning the item.

Thanks in advance.
Hey, if you want to get cancer from second hand smoke, buy a used guitar amp from a pawn shop. Especially one with a pebbly finish to help trap the chemicals. And one that is a tube amp so that the chemicals are cooked right into it.

On a more serious note, not that my last comment wasn't serious, the smell should go away eventually, but wiping it down like Dekay suggests is a good idea.
Gee, I hate that... Some guy sold me an amp once that was supposed to be "almost mint". That amp stunk so bad of cigarettes it was disgusting. I must have cleaned a couple of pounds of tar out of the amp. Then I told the seller about it and he tried to assert that this was somehow all okay... What???

Aside from that, my advice is to get one of the many electrostatic air purifiers on the market and leave the cable next to the device for a day or so. The smell will likely be gone. Then you can use the air purifier to take allergens, germs, and other particulates out of the air you breathe at home every day.
I had this happen before. I placed the cables in a large, sealable hefty bag with a new open box of Arm and Hammer baking soda. The baking absorbed the odor right out of the cables. Took a couple of days.
Try 50/50 mix of vinegar and water applied with a rag or sponge, use newspaper to wipe off.
If the above responses don't work and there is still a faint smell, try unused coffee grounds.

Coffee grounds are often used to get smoke smell out of cars. It more masks the smell than removes it, but is far more pleasant!