15A or 20A Power Cord

I have just purchased new system and I have not purchased power cords for equipment. I would really like to buy power cables either used or on sale to save a little $$. I have looked at Shunyata and I actually have Hydra 8 for my downstairs tv home theater set up. I see the same power cable offered in 15A and 20A but I do not know which one I need. My systems consists of DCS Puccini, Ayre K5xe, Ayre MX-R , Watt Puppy 8.

I appreciate any help.
Lenny_zwik, Could you more specify which Hifi Tuning fuse you are using, they have three models : Gold Plate, Silver Star and the most recent Supreme,

And which Spec you use?

Friends told that Hifi Tuning fuses are directional, have you found that, too?
Gold Plate. Not sure what you mean by "which Spec"? Directional, highly doubt it, but have never experimented. I'm an electrical engineer and to be honest, had it not been for what my ears told me, I'd have never believed that a fuse could make a difference.
Lenny_zwik, thank for reply, I just don't know which spec to order? Size and Amp figure.

Since their fuses are Cyro'd, so there is direction, somebody measure the resistance of their fuses, and find out one end is smaller than the other end, But the mark doesn't show any direction indicator, you have to try by your own ear.

Also I heard the latest Supreme is much better than Gold Plate or Silver Star.
If you contact the mfgs. they can give you the specs for the fuses for their equipment. I know that dCS and Ayre are very responsive.

Sorry but I did not see your post until today. Hopefully you have purchased the hi-fi tuning fuses by now, if not, I echo Lenny_zwik's observations. I have the gold plate fuses. They sound great. I do not have any experience with the other more expensive lines. I will tell that I heard that the Silver Star can corrode but I do not know if this is true.

I would email the manufacturer about what fuses are needed and how many. If you cannot decide what line of fuses to get I would isolate a particular component, I would recommend the Ayre MX-R if you have that, and do a comparison. There are several fuses in each mx-r and it would be a bit of a pain to change everything out but this would be the only way I know to do a comparison.

Good luck!