Well I used to be a firm believer in seasoning the taste of my system with mix and match cables.
The cables as tone control type that some here seem to feel is the path to sonic nirvana.
Been there, done that, have a box full of cables, cheap to expensive that I have collected in the 35 years at this hobby.
Are you surprised, did you think I was newbie?
Just to this site not to the hobby.
Got a moving coil cartridge that is tipped up in the treble?
Use some Cardas IC to tame it down.
Got a tape deck that is a little bland sounding? Spice it up and go with some PBJ and add some zip.
It is unfortunate that all components do not sound the same from system and room to room.
It would then be very easy to just wire the rig up with the cables that came in the box and be done with it.
As I am sure there are many in this site who laugh at all the ink spilled over cable debates.
The point that I was trying to make was that in my situation with the cables that I most recently tried,it was the first time that all the components jelled together.
I never felt the need to add more or less of anything.
I would probably say the same if I had a full set of Kubala Sosna, or Nordost.Maybe not.I would have to try those cables,as others would have to try my cables to really be able to express an opinion.
But I didn't have any of the really expensive above mentioned cables lying about. I just had the Clear Day.
It was reasonably priced and seemed to do the things in my system that the big boy cables are said to do in the big boy systems that I have read about.
If I bruised a few of the egos of the big boy crowd, sorry about that.
I hope I have "hammered home" my views about cable synergy and "nailed" it for those who didn't understand the first time around.
The cables as tone control type that some here seem to feel is the path to sonic nirvana.
Been there, done that, have a box full of cables, cheap to expensive that I have collected in the 35 years at this hobby.
Are you surprised, did you think I was newbie?
Just to this site not to the hobby.
Got a moving coil cartridge that is tipped up in the treble?
Use some Cardas IC to tame it down.
Got a tape deck that is a little bland sounding? Spice it up and go with some PBJ and add some zip.
It is unfortunate that all components do not sound the same from system and room to room.
It would then be very easy to just wire the rig up with the cables that came in the box and be done with it.
As I am sure there are many in this site who laugh at all the ink spilled over cable debates.
The point that I was trying to make was that in my situation with the cables that I most recently tried,it was the first time that all the components jelled together.
I never felt the need to add more or less of anything.
I would probably say the same if I had a full set of Kubala Sosna, or Nordost.Maybe not.I would have to try those cables,as others would have to try my cables to really be able to express an opinion.
But I didn't have any of the really expensive above mentioned cables lying about. I just had the Clear Day.
It was reasonably priced and seemed to do the things in my system that the big boy cables are said to do in the big boy systems that I have read about.
If I bruised a few of the egos of the big boy crowd, sorry about that.
I hope I have "hammered home" my views about cable synergy and "nailed" it for those who didn't understand the first time around.